International Private Medical Insurance

Whilst travel insurance may provide an appropriate level of cover for travellers who are away for short periods of time, iPMI is far more comprehensive with regards to health care.

As well as covering any emergency medical costs, iPMI can cover visits to see a GP and ongoing treatment for chronic conditions.

For Expats or those intending to move abroad an adequate level of iPMI could be a condition of residency or simply a very wise move to negate the chance of being faced with significant medical costs should you or a member of your family require medical care.

If you travel frequently either for work or pleasure then depending on the different countries you may visit the cost of policies can vary quite considerably. With whole of market access we can help find you a suitable solution for your needs.

For more help with iPMI please speak with one of our team who would be delighted to help with your enquiry and provide a free, no-obligation quote.